
Showing posts from June, 2021

Smile :) it will all be over soon...

 Life is a journey. Love it and live it. During the pandemic I am sure we all must have learned that depression and anxiety is real. How to live life full of happiness? How to survive depression? What to do when I am anxious?  Well, the answer is simple “Nothing”.... just “Smile” How can I smile when I’m devastated?  Its natural for you to feel uneasy and out of place at a time like this, seek help if needed but most of all “ Know that things will get better”  Whatever happens, happens for the good. God must have a plan for you my child... keep going... keep exploring and most importantly don’t forget to smile.  Power of belief is Real and if you believe in yourself and the Fact that No matter what happens, I’ll keep going and survive “ You will”.  You know You the best and You should take care of You the most as in the End You came with You and You will go back with You. That’s the reality of life.  Yoga, meditating, drinking enough water, going for a walk, therapist, medications, her